Sunday 22 January 2012

The 3 Beauty Mistakes We Know We Shouldn't Make...

...but we do anyway!

There's a lot of times where I feel like I'm the only one who feels a certain way, or does a certain thing. But, thank to Twitter, I now know I am definitely not alone .. in anything! There are many 'bad things' that we all do, especially when it comes to beauty. As beauty bloggers/ make up lovers, we should all practice what we preach, but in reality it's not always possible. Whilst doing research (which means reading twitter) I noticed that there's three things that you all do (yes you) that I do too.


1. Sleep with make up on.

We've all been there. We've come home late, either intoxicated or exhausted, and we know that we should take our make up off, but it's sooo long, and we're sooo tired. So you think 'just this once' and go to bed with your make up on.

Why is it a mistake?

We all know why it's bad, which is why 99.9% we take our make up off. It's clogs up your pores (especially bad if you have acne) and your skin has no time to breathe.

How to avoid making the same mistake again.

Keep make up wipes available to hand or next to your bed (even on your bed if you know you're going out and may not be bothered). Even if you have a quick wipe and get rid of most of it, it's better than doing nothing at all.

2. Squeezing spots.

You can see one that's been growing for days, and you can't help but give it a squeeze to get it out and send it on it's way, right? Wrong.

Why is it a mistake?

It actually makes it worse. Not only does it cause scars and infections, it will also stay a lot longer. I read somewhere that if left alone, a spot will go in 2-3 days, where as if it's squeezed, it will take up to 10 days.

How to avoid making the same mistake again.

It's very easy to be templted to squeeze, so my only advice would be to do everything possible to avoid getting spots in the first place. First, stick to number 1! If you feel a spot coming, apply treatment to it. There's lots of products that reduce blemishes etc. so find one that works for you.

3. Not getting enough sleep.

We can use all the creams in the world, nothing will beat a good night's sleep, so why aren't most of us doing it? Instead we're doing anything but, even if it's staring at a laptop screen for hours.

Why is it a mistake?

Your skin uses the time you sleep to repair itself, so the less you sleep, the less time it has. Let's not forget the puffy, dark eyes you get in the morning.

How to avoid making the same mistake again.

Try to aim for 7-8 hours sleep a night. Also, make it an aim to switch of your laptop and TV, maybe have a relaxing bath, so you can fall asleep easy. There's no way around it, we need to set time to sleep.

So there we have it - I know I'm prone to doing all of these things, don't try and pretend you don't too. And there's plenty more mistakes where they came from.

What is your biggest beauty mistake?



  1. Great post! My biggest mistake is stupidly wearing eye makeup even though I know my eye lids will swell and not let me wear lenses the next day, even if I remove all of it! Damn sensitivity x

  2. I don't squeeze spots but the other two are definitely relevant to me, I usually sleep with my makeup on after I come in from a night out (the time I wear the most make up, typical!) and I just want to get in bed haha.

    Frances x
    Twitter: @Francesss__

  3. I`m a repeat offender of the thrid one, especially with uni course work on the go. Sleep kind of goes out the window.

    Peg x

  4. I always sleep late! Even if I try to sleep early I can never fall asleep.

  5. I can certainly say I am a not an offender of the third, I make sure I get 8hours+ EVERY night, I love my sleep. My beauty mistake is never sticking to a certain routine, I always want to cleanse tone moisturise before bed but most of the time do one and forget the rest!!



  6. I'm definitely guilty of numbers 1 and 2. I went out on Friday and woke up with a full face of make-up. I'm terrible for squeezing spots too.

    I'm quite good at making sure I get my sleep though x

  7. I only slept with my makeup on once, and I felt terrible when I woke up! Never doing it again... :D

  8. I always sleep with my eye make up on, well I only day to day wear eye liner ... oops!

  9. I don't do any of these things *cough*.....yeah, I don't believe me either ;) Nah, to be fair, I definitely get plenty of sleep, I don't know how people manage without getting enough sleep. The other two, I'm definitely in the habit of doing....very bad, I know :)

  10. I sleep for 10 hours and ALWAYS take my make up off no matter how drunk I am! But the one thing I cannot resist is a good squeeze...It's bad, I know, but when there's a massive yellow head in the middle of your forehead, your first instinct is to pop that little bugger! xx


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